SPiCE 1-2-1 for Automotive

Efficient Assessments in the SPICE 1-2-1

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Efficient Assessments in the SPICE 1-2-1 for Automotive is an assessment tool for the automotive industry and its suppliers wanting to determine their capability level according to Automotive SPiCE. SPICE 1-2-1 for Automotive is also suitable for IT sourcing to assess supplier processes
The tool is available in two editions:

  • PAM 2.5 (valid since 2007)
  • PAM 3.1 (valid since 2017)

Areas of Application

With SPICE 1-2-1 for Automotive, we offer an assessment tool for a wide range of applications based on proven assessment methods. The tool supports the following activities:

  • Preparing the assessment and selecting the relevant processes
  • Conducting interviews and collecting data
  • Evaluating and analysing of data and creating charts
  • Creating assessment reports and defining recommendations for improvement


1-2-1 for Automotive enables the evaluation of an Automotive SPiCE compliant assessment of development projects within one day up to a maximum of 2 days. All relevant information is systematically collected and evaluated so that the standard can be applied extremely efficiently. Summarized evaluations and analyses in the form of charts are obtained and corresponding reports can be generated.


A distinction is made between a Personal Solution License, a Company Solution License and a Corporate Solution License:

Personal Solution License

The Personal Solution license has the following features:

  • Create a new assessment or open an existing one
  • Select questions
  • Enter rating
  • Read definitions and explanations to the questions
  • Evaluate assessment data
  • Display evaluation in charts
  • Create results reports

SPiCE 1-2-1 for Automotive comprises the 31 processes from the Automotive SPiCE PAM with over 400 definitions and explanations:

SPiCE for Cybersecurity PAM 1.

  • SEC.1 Ermittlung der Cybersecurity-Anforderungen
  • SEC.2 Implementierung der Cybersecurity
  • SEC.3 Verifizierung der Risikobehandlung
  • SEC.4 Validierung der Risikobehandlung
  • MAN.7 Cybersecurity-Risikomanagement
  • ACQ.2 Lieferantenanfrage und -auswahl

Vollständige VDA Guidelines für Regeln & Empfehlungen

Alle relevanten Regeln und Empfehlungen (491!) aus den VDA Automotive SPiCE Guidelines sind nun im Assessment-Tool verfügbar und können kommentiert und beurteilt werden, ob sie erfüllt sind oder nicht – zusätzlich zu einer erweiterten automatischen Prüfung. Auch für VDA-Regeln, die zusätzliche Informationen benötigen, wie manchmal auf „above“ verwiesen, werden diese bereitgestellt. Kapitel 2.2 Spezielle Umgebungsregeln können an-/abgewählt werden. Word-Reports enthalten das detaillierte RuleCheckResult.

Vollständige Dokumenten-Liste in den Berichten

Sowohl der Word- als auch der PowerPoint Berichtsgenerator können nun die vollständige Dokumentenliste ausgeben.


A distinction is made between a Personal Solution License, a Company Solution License and a Corporate Solution License:
Mr. Andreas Schleusener will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Personal Solution License

  • Create a new assessment or open an existing one
  • Select questions
  • Enter rating
  • Read definitions and explanations to the questions
  • Evaluate assessment data
  • Display evaluation in charts
  • Create results reports

SPiCE 1-2-1 for Automotive comprises the 31 processes from the Automotive SPiCE PAM with over 400 definitions and explanations:

SPiCE 1-2-1 processes

In parallel to the evaluation of the processes, notes can be made in the tool which will later be useful for the interpretation of the results.

Company Solution License

The Company Solution license extends the functionality of the Personal Solution license by the following aspects:

  • Merge function to merge two assessments
  • Customizable Word & PowerPoint report templates
  • Possibility to evaluate several assessments together
  • One day tool training

The Company Solution is of interest if several assessments have to be carried out in the organization.

Corporate Solution License

In addition to the functions of the Personal Solution and the Company Solution, the Corporate Solution License also includes a license:

  • The software tool SynEdit with which the SPiCE 1-2-1 Assessment Tool can be adapted to your individual needs. The processes can be edited and extended, the explanations can refer to your company documents and all symbols and labels can be adapted.
  • Two days training and workshop