
Contents of the online information (Disclaimer)

Synspace assumes no responsibility for the correctness, completeness, quality or up-to-date status of he information provided. Accusations directed against Synspace which are based upon losses of a material or intellectual type, thorough the use or lack of use of information offered here, or caused by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are not admissible, as long as no provable legal or careless fault of SynSpace can be proven.

References und Links

All direct and indirect links and references to external websites (links) which fall outside the responsibility of SynSpace, were checked at the time of the incorporation of the link for potentially rule violations. However, despite all possible precautions, it could be that the data on these external sites have changed. A permanent control of the linked sites is not possible without concrete reasons. If SynSpace becomes aware that external sites are no longer in compliance with accepted rules and regulations, SynSpace will remove the links from its website immediately. SynSpace wishes to state quite clearly that at the time in which the external links were incorporated into SynSpace´s website, there was no illegal content recognizable on the externally linked websites. SynSpace has however no influence on the current or future design, content, or authorship of the linked sites, and for this reason SynSpace distances itself completely from any possibly offensive content of external sites. The providers of the external sites alone are responsible for any possible illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content, particularly for damages which can arise from the use or non-use of information offered on their websites.

Intellectual Property

Everything which you read, hear or see on www.synspace.com and www.synspace.eu is protected by copyright and may only be used within the clearly defined boundaries described here. With the exception of this permitted use, no further rights to copyrighted materials are granted, neither by SynSpace nor by third parties. The complete or partial reproduction, electronic or conventional transmission, modification or usage of contents for public or commercial use requires the written agreement of SynSpace.
