
Responsible for content

Responsible for the content of the website: Michael C. Landwehr

SynSpace Group GmbH
Basler Landstraße 8
D-79111 Freiburg
Close corporation number: HRB 4629
Tax ID number: DE811642922
Court of Jurisdiction: Freiburg
Board of directors: Michael C. Landwehr


Technical implementation:
publicgarden GmbH, Berlin:

Legal notice

Automotive SPICE® is a registered brand of the association of the Automobilindustrie e.V. (VDA).

intacs™ is a registered brand of the international Assessor Certification Scheme e.V., Berlin, Germany.

IREB e.V. and IREB GmbH – International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) e.V. – is responsible for producing a certification model, including teaching plans and tests, to promote continuing education in the area of Requirements Engineering.

ISTQB® – International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) – became a non-profit organization in 2002 under Belgian jurisdiction.
